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Swaggernauts Clan | Best Clan There is
1# Clan of The Game
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Welcome to Swaggernauts.orgfree.com! Omni-Version. This clan is Based on our Clash of Clan’s Clan. Register today and claim your 500 free points! Earn points in many ways like viewing a Post and with these points you can exchange them in our shop for prizes! Contact support by using Messaging feature in your Dashboard! Register by clicking below or from our widgets!



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/*! iNoBounce - v0.1.0 * https://github.com/lazd/iNoBounce/ * Copyright (c) 2013 Larry Davis ; Licensed BSD */ (function(global) { // Stores the Y position where the touch started var startY = 0; // Store enabled status var enabled = false; var handleTouchmove = function(evt) { // Get the element that was scrolled upon var el = evt.target; // Check all parent elements for scrollability while (el !== document.body) { // Get some style properties var style = window.getComputedStyle(el); var scrolling = style.getPropertyValue('-webkit-overflow-scrolling'); var overflowY = style.getPropertyValue('overflow-y'); var height = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('height'), 10); // Determine if the element should scroll var isScrollable = scrolling === 'touch' && (overflowY === 'auto' || overflowY === 'scroll'); var canScroll = el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight; if (isScrollable && canScroll) { // Get the current Y position of the touch var curY = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenY : evt.screenY; // Determine if the user is trying to scroll past the top or bottom // In this case, the window will bounce, so we have to prevent scrolling completely var isAtTop = (startY <= curY && el.scrollTop === 0); var isAtBottom = (startY >= curY && el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop === height); // Stop a bounce bug when at the bottom or top of the scrollable element if (isAtTop || isAtBottom) { evt.preventDefault(); } // No need to continue up the DOM, we've done our job return; } // Test the next parent el = el.parentNode; } // Stop the bouncing -- no parents are scrollable evt.preventDefault(); }; var handleTouchstart = function(evt) { // Store the first Y position of the touch startY = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenY : evt.screenY; }; var enable = function() { // Listen to a couple key touch events window.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart, false); window.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchmove, false); enabled = true; }; var disable = function() { // Stop listening window.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart, false); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchmove, false); enabled = false; }; var isEnabled = function() { return enabled; }; // Enable by default if the browser supports -webkit-overflow-scrolling // Test this by setting the property with JavaScript on an element that exists in the DOM // Then, see if the property is reflected in the computed style var testDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.documentElement.appendChild(testDiv); testDiv.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling = 'touch'; var scrollSupport = 'getComputedStyle' in window && window.getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-overflow-scrolling'] === 'touch'; document.documentElement.removeChild(testDiv); if (scrollSupport) { enable(); } // A module to support enabling/disabling iNoBounce var iNoBounce = { enable: enable, disable: disable, isEnabled: isEnabled }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { // Node.js Support module.exports = iNoBounce; } if (typeof global.define === 'function') { // AMD Support (function(define) { define(function() { return iNoBounce; }); }(global.define)); } else { // Browser support global.iNoBounce = iNoBounce; } }(this));

Contact Support about anything Clash of Clans Problems your facing on the website ETC! Use the messaging feature in your dashboard. On Dashborad go to messages then click Send and write your message and click send. Your Compose should look like the one below in the image.







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