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What’s New in Clash of Clan Version 6.322.5 | Swaggernauts Clan

What’s New in Clash of Clan Version 6.322.5

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What’s New in Clash of Clan Version 6.322.5

On November 24, 2014, Posted by , In Posts, With 14 Comments

EVENT NO.4 Details Located below!

Clash of Clans is proud to be a (PRODUCT)RED™ App Store partner.

Join the fight and get the (Pile of Gems)RED to decorate your Town Hall until December 8th.
100% of the proceeds will go to (RED)’s fight against AIDS. All (RED) monies go to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Most of the App Stores App have turned Reddish to Support Aids (Defeat it)

iPad Screenshot 1

They are giving a new type of Pile Of Gems, 500 gems, for a price of 4.99$! It’s the same price but your also donating 2$ Dollars to Charity at the Same Time! To Cure Aids.


What is Aids?

Aid is a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body’s cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.


When You buy the Red Pile of Gems You will receive a Red Flag on your Town Hall  until December 8 Looking like the one below!


photo 2 (2)


This is the message you will receive in game.


photo 3 (1)



Support Aids by liking them on Facebook! They already have 2.2m Likes! Help Support in defeating this deadly disease! Also, when you buy this pile of Gems you will be given a option if you want to decorate you Town Hall with a red flag like the image below! This is the best excuse you can make to your parents to buy gems by also helping the world! “Lets make the world a better place”


photo 1 (2)



Event No.4

Help defeat Cancer!

Who Ever has a Flag on their Town Hall and signed up on the website before December 1 will receive 10 CP and 500 Swag Points! Also, the contributers will be announced at the end of this event!





14 Comments so far:

  1. Profile photo of cherry-girl cherry-girl says:

    I’m definity going to buy this! I get 500 Gems Help Charity and people get a Red Flag on my Town Hall and 500 SP and 10 CP! so hype!

  2. Profile photo of rafael rafael says:

    Well this is cooking out of my pocket but I’m in that if I figure out how to put money so I can get red pile of gems

  3. Profile photo of bijoy bijoy says:

    How to buy those

  4. Profile photo of rafael rafael says:

    Well I’m going to participate on the even

  5. Profile photo of fathead fathead says:

    Im gunna get my red

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